Today I want to share with you some pictures that reached me this summer. They are of finished objects that were made with my patterns and made me mightily happy when I saw them. So here are my favorites:
A lovely Feathers Shawlette by Theresa Mock. I especially love the colours of the yarn!
This beautiful nautical Sainte-Marie Scarf has been knitted by B-Schimbera. She knew the village and its beach at the french atlantic coast that I named it after and even went to the trouble of taking some scarf pictures there. Isn’t that great!? Here is her project page.
Another project picture reached me over twitter a few weeks ago: ChristensCreations (@YarnBeDarned) knitted the Driving Cap and Gloves for a Twenties themed party and then posed in front of a vintage Alpha-Romeo convertible. You can find her ravelry project page here. I have a very profound weakness for old cars, so these pictures made me very, very happy!
Thank you once again so much Theresa, Brigitte and Christen! If you have knitted something with one of my patterns email ( or tweet (@_herrlichkeiten) me a picture – it always makes my day and perhaps you’ll get featured here on the blog, too.
The post Finished Objects of Others – Summer 14 appeared first on herrlichkeiten.